Monday, March 18, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Gets Locked-Down Rehab in Plea Deal

Lindsay Lohan Agrees to 90 Days Locked-Down RehabIt's back to rehab for Lindsay Lohan – 90 days in a center under lock and key – plus psychotherapy and community service. 

This was how the actress resolved her latest court case, this one that started over a Porsche crash in Santa Monica last summer when she was filming Liz & Dick.

During a Los Angeles Superior Court hearing Monday that she showed up to nearly an hour late – and got showered with glitter on the way in – she also pleaded no contest to lying to police and reckless driving. 

Asked by Judge James Dabney if she understood all terms and conditions, Lohan answered, "Yes, your honor." 

The judge then said, "A suggestion: don't drive." 

Under the deal, Lohan, 26, avoids a six-month jail term for violating her probation in a shoplifting case as long as she doesn't run afoul of the law again. She will be booked at the Santa Monica Police Department. 

"You violate probation and we'll … just impose sentence and be done with it," the judge warned. 

Lohan also faces an outstanding case in New York involving a nightclub fight, but her attorney said he expected that authorities won't prosecute her in light of the current deal. 

Her father, Michael Lohan – who attended the hearing with his own lawyer – said outside of court, "I'm just very happy she's going to rehab."

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