Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Coldplay's Chris Martin Flubs Lyrics in Concert, Blames...the Olympics?!

Well, we may not know which British acts exactly are locked in to bookend the London 2012 games and perform at the Olympics closing ceremony, but we're pretty sure we can cross one English supergroup off the list.
Chris Martin did nothing for Coldplay's chances of an invite this week when he uncharacteristically flubbed the lyrics to one of the band's big hits, and quickly placed the blame for the musical memory lapse on an unlikely source.
While he was clearly joking, since the old adage tells us that there's truth behind every jest, we can only assume that not even Grammy-winning, movie star-marrying, Brit rock royalty has found the antidote to Olympics fever.
Martin's flub came amid the opening lines of "Warning Sign," which he performed (or at least tried to) to the capacity crowd at Boston's TD Garden.
"Oh f--k," he said, to the delighted cheers of the crowd after losing his lyrical way just a few words into the track. Luckily, he had a scapegoat at the ready.
"I was thinking about the Olympics," he said. "I was distracted. I was not in the breakup frame of mind I needed to be in. I'm gonna get back into it; I'm gonna stop thinking about pole vaulting and things like that.
"It's a big deal. You can't blame a guy for thinking about it every once in a while...but the best concert in the world is happening right here, right now."
He probably should've quit while he was ahead.
"F--k the Olympics. Let's have a f--king great time in Boston," he said, before starting the song again and then, midsentence, reevaluating his incitement.
"Please don't tweet that I said 'F--k the Olympics'...I'll never hear the end of it," he said, without missing a beat.
We'll file that one under famous last words. Of course, there is a reason Martin immediately came to regret his good-natured (albeit potty-mouthed) jibes. Coldplay is scheduled to perform at the Festival of Flame closing ceremony of the Paralympics in (where else?) London's Olympic Stadium Sept. 9.

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