Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Redmond O'Neal on Verge of Transferring to Outpatient Program

Redmond O'Neal is one step closer to getting a clean slate.
The only son of Farrah Fawcett and Ryan O'Neal was granted another sentencing delay this morning in a Los Angeles courtroom after yet another glowing probation report, as he creeps closer to one full year since his sentencing hearings began.

"You look great," Judge Keith Schwartz opened Redmond's hearing by saying to the troubled celebrity son. "I feel great, Your Honor," O'Neal replied.
O'Neal will continue treatment at a Pasadena rehab facility including consistent sessions with two different doctors and an electronic monitoring device. According to his reports from the rehab facility, O'Neal's random drug tests have consistently come back negative.
"Everything looks good; you are making outstanding commendable progress," Judge Schwartz said.

Schwartz said he would put off sentencing one more time, and if Redmond continued with his current progress, Judge Schwartz said he would segue him to an outpatient program.
Back in August, O'Neal pleaded no contest to a drug and weapons charge and was sentenced to a year in a live-in residential treatment facility. Subsequently, O'Neal admitted violating his probation by using drugs while in the facility.
"When I first saw you, you looked like a mess," Judge Schwartz told Redmond. "You look a thousand percent better." Judge Schwartz added, "You're not out of the frying pan yet," saying that he will continue to have Redmond on probation for five years, and one mess-up would mean six years behind bars.
O'Neal's next sentencing date is scheduled for Oct. 9 at 8:30 am.
"He's obviously doing very positive," Redmond's attorney Richard Pintal told E! News outside the courtroom. "The next step is moving on with his life, and that date is Oct. 9."

The 27-year-old O'Neal isn't the only member of the O'Neal clan in trouble. His half-brotherGriffin was sentenced to 16 months in a San Diego prison back in February after pleading guilty to two felony counts of driving under influence of drugs and possession of a firearm.

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