Wednesday, August 1, 2012

How Much Sex Is Going On at the Olympic Village? Does 100,000 Condoms Answer Your Question

New Zealand mens hockey team, Olympics
I keep hearing that the Olympic Village is a great place for hookups. Just how much sex is going on in London at the moment?
—Keith A., via the inbox
I would scold you and tell you to order you to scrub out your filthy mouth with gymnast's chalk, except that at least one gymnast is probably hooking up with somebody, maybe even on a set of parallel bars, as I write.
According to E!'s own gold medalist Bruce Jenner, who spoke about the social scene on today's Live From E! show, things are a little bit different these days. He was asked whether he had much time to talk to female athletes, such as show guest Ann Meyers Drysdale, who was at the same 1976 games. "We didn't socialize all that much" during the 1976 Olympic games. "It was totally different" from today. Just how different? Well, ask yourself: How many condoms can fit in an Oakley duffel bag?
Most of the London Olympic athletes are too busy competing, or hooking up, or competing for hook-ups, to talk to the likes of me, at least, about this. But it's pretty obvious that a lot of sex is going on. Right now.
How do I know?
"There's a lot of sex going on," 2008 women's soccer medalist Hope Solo told ESPN.
And what denotes a lot?
"I'd say it's 70 percent to 75 percent of Olympians" doing the deed during the games, swimmerRyan Lochte estimates.
So there.
As for exactly how much sex is being had per Olympian, consider: For the 2000 games in Australia, one athlete witnessed an Oakley duffel bag stuffed to the brim with condoms at the center of just one party. Cut to today, and, according to that ESPN dispatch, there's a standing order for about 100,000 condoms.
Per Olympics.
And just in case you're wondering who might be first across the sexual finish line, well, it won't hurt to place your bets on Lochte. Per the Brisbane Times, the hottie seemed to waste no time, flirting during practice with female Aussie counterpart Blair Evans a few days ago.
Of course, there's also a tiny bit of romance that can happen if you aren't rooting around in the condom duffel. Olympic skater Kristi Yamaguchi met husband-slash-hockey-player Bret Hedican at the 1992 games and married in 2000.

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